Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

send sms free

Already in the know free SMS via Facebook? If not, niy way ... from the ngabisin pulses through facebook just mending free sms

To pass up a free SMS service, you only need use the facebook application sms ChatSMS applications.

How to install the application, namely:

1. Login to your facebook account

2. Click http://apps.facebook.com/chatsms

3. Click Allow

4. Click Include Profiles Inward for this application into your facebook profile, then click Keep

5. Slide a little earlier application in drag by the application name ChatSMS

6. Wait loading

7. Change the country code of Singapore to Indonesia

8. Include No. HP will send SMS reply. The number 0 as the beginning of the mobile phone number is replaced with +62 (Code of Indonesia).

9. Compose your message and click Send SMS

10. Done.

change the theme fb

Bored with the view that facebook is so-so alone without variation, not like friendster or myspace we can customize according to our will. Then try this one, this way we can replace the page view facebook become better and most importantly can be customized themselves.
Aritkel I created this for you who like to customize the look and at the same time meet the needs of some visitors to this keblog through google with the keywords of: -How to change the layout of facebook Change the layout of facebook-tutorial -Change the look of facebook -Change the look of facebook
And there are many who seek artikrl on facebook display. After some search websites, blogs and group-group that contains the tutorial change the layout of facebook, I found 2 different ways:
1. Changing the layout view facebook in a way userstyles.org (for mozilla firefox users) how to change the look of facebook
how to change the look of facebook
Downloadable add-ons Mozzila
-Click "add to firefox", the installation and restart mozilla firefox
-Select the desired view here
-Click button "Load into Stylish"
-Save and refresh your facebook page 

2. Changing the layout view facebook in a way yontoo.com (for users mozilla firefox and internet explorer) how to change the look of facebook
Yontoo-visit the website
-Select "Start Installation"
-Install add-ons and restart mozilla
-Install the application on facebook PageRage
-Select the desired view
You-see profile

How no.1 only works on your own computer which has installed the add-on stylish
How no.2 only works on computers that have installed the add-on Yontoo and owner of the facebook install application pagerege. This allows other people can see our facebook if they do the same.

Until now there is still no way to change the appearance facebook for all to see

Remember that Facebook is not the same as Myspace / Friendster which officially can change appearance in accordance with our wishes. This method is only a trick of the creator of the add-on that creative.